Thursday, July 06, 2006

Some random link stuff...

If you haven't seen the video/heard the cover of "Hurt" by Johnny Cash (I mention it in my last post), go check it out on youtube. The song itself is very powerful, and when combined with Cash's voice, and the great cinematography, it is almost overwhelming to watch...

I was randomly surfing through some poetry, looking for inspiration, and ran across this. Wow, looks like a step-by-step for my stuff! Didn't realize how whiny I was until I really started reading it.... :(


Jude said...

Sketchie, that video was haunting... it brought tears to my eyes for many reasons. Damn!

Okay, the other link: I love the idea of bleak images... you planning on any of that in your book? Oh and raping your thesaurus, great idea!

DrSketch said...

Ma, my words are bleak enough, I thought maybe I'd put pictures of flowers in it to mess with everyone! :D Nah, there aren't going to be any pictures, except for the cover (which sounds really cool looking!)

I tried "getting intimate" with my thesaurus (it was mutual, not forced), but only ended up with papercuts...

Jude said...

I can't wait to find out/see what the cover art is going to look like! :-)

DrSketch said...

You and me both! :D The cover artist and I have done some preliminary ideas, but there isn't any rush as I still have a LOT of writing to do... All I know for certain is that every idea she has come up with has been simply amazing, and it's been difficult to pick the "best" of the bunch...

Jude said...

Too bad you couldn't have more than one cover! ;)