Friday, July 14, 2006

Man, what a pain

A certain asshole has taken it upon itself to leave nasty comments here. This asshole followed me here from Opacity, where I ripped it up publicly for BEING an asshole. To asshole: Go Away! Seriously man, you were banned from Opacity, nobody gives a shit what you have to say, just move on with your life and leave the rest of us alone.
Sadly, since this asshole is not one to give up easily, I have had to take steps to keep it away. Starting today, ALL comments are going through moderation before being posted. Basically, what this means for y'all, is that I have to approve or deny each comment before it's put up. Depending on when you post, and how busy I am, it might take a day or so for the comment to show up. I won't deny a comment that is critical of my work, I think it's good to have stuff like that out there, but if you come in saying stupid bullshit just to flame me because you're too little of a person to let something go, expect to not see your comment. To everyone else: I'm sorry I've got to do this, but I can't spend all my time sorting through these posts to find the posts by asshole.

In closing, a poem that I'm freestyling for said asshole.

Chopsuey, you are an ass.
I would imagine your family is full of asses.
Quit posting things on our blogs
Please, just go away
We're all sick of your stupid shit.

Eh, that wasn't that good, but what do you expect for a freestyle? :D


Jude said...

I love this poem! Your best yet! Ever! LOL

I think you should name your book "FuckSuey". Whaddya think? *wink*

I know you have to take care of biz so if it's approved comments now so be it. I'll still be here!

DrSketch said...

Hehehe, Jude, you're wicked! Maybe I'll save that name for my next book....