Wednesday, August 02, 2006


Hey all, I've made some changes to my links section: I've separated out the blogs into their own section, added a few more sites, and generally cleaned up the code. I also added a link to my user profile on Digg, so you can see what stories I've been checking out lately....


Mayme said...

You have mine on here! Thanks for your help yesterday. I'm getting the hang of it. It looks good over here. I love your writing. It has been a long time since I have felt very inspired.

Jude said...

Lookin' good Sketchie! I guess you'll have to add Pet Pete's link now too.... oh!! And target blank! LOL


xSianyxBabyx said...

Sorry about forgetting you Sketchie! I added you a moment ago though so we are nearly all there now...I just gotta go hunt down karen's....

Your poetry rocks by the way! ; )