Tuesday, August 29, 2006

Blog changes...

Hey everybody! Dr Sketch has been crazy tinkering with the blog settings again, so here is a list of what's new:

  • RSS/Atom feed, with subscribe button.
  • Copyright/license notice with link (go read it, I tried to leave it as open as possible for ya).
  • Switched to BetaBlogger with my gmail account. You won't even notice, trust me.
  • Archiving. Sorry, I thought it was on before, but it wasn't! Now there will only be 10 posts visible, the rest is archived on the right...
  • Comments. Ok, they aren't really new, but please leave some! I (like most web authors) live for user feedback; good, bad, indifferent, I want to know what you're thinking! If nothing else, just leave one that says "Hey Doc! I was here!"

Check it out!


Jude said...

Cool! Is the copyright the license thingy at the bottom of the page Adam?

Backy said...

Hiya Doc, I was here!!!

..... bbb